Day - I & II : Training of Trainer
Why and How of Training
Why do people attend trainings
How to get participants for training - Reaching out to a large number of people
How to present yourself as a Trainer - An Outstanding Trainer
How to plan training and deliver training - Exceptional Training
Day - III to V : Training of Teacher
What of Training
Crucial Points and Practice to make training impactful
Gripping on the subject
Content of the training of Level(s) concerned
A. Formal Learning Experience :
- Level I to III of CHT completed with CHI, USA
- Past Life Therapy & Life between Lives Therapy completed with CHI, USA
B. Experience as Practitioner :
Conducting sessions or practicing regularly minimum for -
- 06 months from completion of CHT Level - III
- 12 months from completion of CHT Level - II
A. Discuss with your CHI, USA teacher for the invitation of the Teachers Training.
It is based completely on the courses completed and work practice.
B. Attend Teachers Training, if invited.
During training, there will be an all-round assessment for Teachers.
The assessment will be by the Master trainer as well as co-participants.
If a participant is assessed as being competent as a Trainer, they will be awarded certificate as a teacher and can enter into a contract with CHI, USA to start teaching CHI, USA courses as per our standards and norms.
If any lack of specialization is assessed, the participant will be asked to do certain tasks before getting the Certificate.