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Depression Case Study

Writer's picture: CHI-USACHI-USA

NJ, a 68-year-old housewife, holding a postgraduate degree, living with her husband, was suffering from severe depression. She has three children, well educated, married and settled elsewhere.

She suffered from mild depression first time in 1972, which disappeared after one month treatment with medicine (Surmontil). She was problem-free for more than 10 years. She remained active, cheerful, easily mingling with people, enjoying family life and social activities. Then she had a severe attack of depression, which was controlled by psychiatric treatment for 6 months, and treatment was stopped. The problem recurred after five years and needed medication. This was being repeated at intermittently, but with time the intervals between two occurrences decreased and the response to medicines was reducing. When she was brought to me in January 2009, she was on continuous medication for the last two years, but not able to lead a normal life. Now the benefit of medicines lasted just 1-2 days.

Most of the time she remained depressed and gloomy – suddenly crying or getting angry without reason, not taking interest in even daily routines, does not like to talk to anyone, not interested in food, unable to sleep. She does not have any other major health problems like diabetes, hypertension or cardiac problems or other diseases usually seen in women of that age group. She was ready for hypnotherapy, and wanted to be free from medication, as the medicines were making her drowsy, lethargic, and unable to do even routine activities.

After six sessions of hypnotherapy between 5th January and 30th January 2009, she returned to normal active life and was able to cut down on her medicines. She remained that way for almost 2 years.

Again, she was brought to me on 30th October 2010, symptoms being sudden bursts of anger, disturbed sleep, feeling uneasy, and laziness and lethargy. Five sessions of hypnotherapy were done from October 30 to November 25, 2010, which gave her complete relief from her symptoms. Her medicines are stopped since, except for 5mg Cipra Lex, once a day, which is not affecting her life or activities in any manner. She is happy, active and busy, enjoying her family life and social activities.

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